How Churches have Adapted to the Lockdown


BY MAGRETH RUZVIDZO -Lockdown and movement restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have caused a lot of uncertanities among various institutions. Many people were caught unaware as they did not anticipate the seriousness of the virus at first. With such numbers of people affected by coronavirus across the globe, the pandemic has sparked fears worldwide and some are relating it to the Spanish flu of 1918.
Churches have not been spared from these measures as they are among the list of institutions banned by government. In most countries, church gatherings have been suspended and this has affected church progress and the conducting of some of its activities. However, churches have come up with strategies to remain relevant in societies. Here’s how some churches have adapted to lockdown and movement restrictions.
Churches have resorted to worshiping as families. As we all know a church is a group of people worshiping together. However, these groups have now been banned as a measure of minimising the spread of the virus. People are now worshiping in small families called small groups. These small groups conduct normal church services so as to uphold the church principles.
Church services have also been shifted to online platforms. Use of various social media platforms like Whatsapp and Facebook has made congregants to keep in touch with church activities and sermons. For instance, the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) streamed its Easter services on its Facebook page. To those who have access to internet, they could easily follow the proceedings. Although it would be different from attending physically, but this initiative has proved to be working as most people are taking part on these initiatives.
Also churches like the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) have been conducting their church services on Whatsapp groups at church level. The whole program is done from 0800 hrs up to 1700 hrs with music sessions also included. This has proved to be a better method as people give each other platform to participate in the topics and discussions for the day. Sermons are being conducted on all radio stations countrywide and also on the national television broadcaster from 11-12 am. One of the preachers from SDA, Pastor Mlambo actually acknowledged the lockdown in one of his sermons saying that it was a great opportunity for families to listen to the sermon in one place. He added that this also helps the congregants to deviate from mob psychology which can force them to be rebellious to the word of God at some point. It has also come as an opportunity for those who did not oftenly attend church services due to various reasons.

The collection of tithes and offerings has also been affected by lockdown as most church leaders are encouraging their congregants to pay online. This shows that churches are embracing online transactions which have been widely used for years in Zimbabwe. To those who are willing to return their tithe and offerings in form of livestock and garden produces, the deacons visit their homes and conduct the whole process. For instance, Pastor Bushiri, in one of his video clips, has been encouraging his congregants to remain faithful and return tithe and offering like they were doing before the pandemic.
Churches have also exploited this lockdown as a way of evangelising and reaching to all people. Individuals used to be tied up with their daily activities but due to limited activities, people now have time to listen to the word of God. Donations are also being used as a way of reaching out to the people especially those in need. And usually evangelising to these people won’t be difficult as they are keen to understand. It is always difficult to turn against the person that help you in time of need.

All these measures have been put in place by various churches as a way of spreading the word of God and also making the church remain relevant in societies.

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