Almost all women across the world struggle with confidence because of insecurities due to their skin appearance. Many struggle with acne, hyperpigmenation, pimples to mention but a few. There are so many reasons surrounding the causes of this problem. Some are natural and some are because of the day to day things that we do subconsciously.

Here are some of the steps that can help one manage their skin:


There are 5 basic skin types. These are
1 Dry skin
2 Oily skin
3 Combination skin
4 Normal skin
5 Sensitive skin

How to know the skin type that you have

Step 1: Leave the skin as it is without applying cream or lotion
Step 2: After some time take a tissue and press it on the T-zone for a minute. the T-zone is the forehead area and the nose area.
Step 3: Now look at the tissue

Below are the reactions of different skin types after the test:

Dry Skin: pores are small and the skin feels stretchy and taut after soap application and there are signs of flaky skin and also dead skin and at the end of the above test you won’t find any trace of oily substance.

Oily skin: you’ll find oil on the tissue it may even be a bit wet. Normally people with large pores have very oily skin. For such skin it is adviced to use face primers before applying foundation so that it covers the pores as well as using pore less powder.

Combination skin: For this type of skin the T-Zone will be oily but other parts of the face like the cheeks will be dry. This is the most common skin type. The forehead, nose and chin will be the oily parts.

Normal skin: there will be no shine or oil and no flakiness as well. Skin always feels smooth and healthy

Sensitive skin: If you are still unsure, whether you have ever faced irritations due to scenty soaps or perfumed products or you feel like your skin starts burning whenever exposed to heat. Or have you witnessed that weather change cause irritation? If the answer is yes you have a Sensitive skin.

Now remember to check your skin type every time you are buying scrubs, lotions and creams. Most people get this wrong instead of buying a cream that says dry skin they buy for oily and so you won’t see any significant change whatsoever. Remember to buy your creams from reliable sellers, supermarkets and pharmacies.

My 8 tips when it comes to skincare:

1.Always cleanse your skin at least twice a day

  1. Protect your skin from direct sunlight
  2. Leave pimples alone, let them heal naturally. Popping them spreads bacteria which means more pimples
  3. Eat foods that have fatty acids to hydrate your skin, eg avocados, fish, nuts.
    5 .Find one product that you stick to.
  4. Change pillowcases and sheets at least once every 2 weeks. Bacteria always accumulates on your bedding and all the bacteria built up will be rubbing on your face.
  5. Makeup detox , have days that you don’t put on makeup so that your skin can breathe
  6. Use original makeup products
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