BY LOVENESS MAWISIRE – Facing reality is at this point the main objective that the whole world should take into consideration. Rural women have been greatly affected by the new normal. Social,economic and religious lives have been compromised, morals and values are being eroded. Fortunately and unfortunately, technology has taking over, benefiting only the privileged. Women in rural areas are suffering the most from this covid-19 era.

A year to remember they say, some say it’s a cursed year.This pandemic has been given plenty of names for it has caused fear ,anger and so many disruptions to daily routines. In rural areas life has been not easy, businesses are now dominated by the phrase “tinopimisa” meaning when one is selling something for instance salt they do not accept cash or mobile money because they fear it might lose value due to currency instability. A woman from Gutu, for instance, who is into the business of selling vegetables testified and said, “I prefer swaping for instance a bundle of covvo is equivalent to a cup of salt. It’s better than keeping the money.”

In Shona they say musha mukadzi meaning a home cannot be a home without a woman, Evelyn Marange(36) who live in Bocha Marange, is a mother of two secondary school children form 2 and form 4. She expresses her distress over the future of her children. “Learning during this lockdown is a privilege for the selected few and children in rural and marginalized communities are at a greater disadvantage”, she says as she even struggles to purchase weekly WhatsApp bundles for her children’s online learning.

Selling farm produce and firewood are her sources of income. Although her income is not sufficient to cater for food and tuition concurrently, she still tries to make ends meet.

Mensuration is an experience which every woman or girlchild goes through every month. They need to their sanitary wear in check every month so as to feel comfortable around people during their periods. Due to the unstable economy which has caused prices instability , not all women can afford to buy sanitary wear or cottonwool especially those in rural areas. The global pandemic has unfortunately brought us back to the old times where women used cloth during their mensuration, and this has implications on menstrual hygiene according to
health experts. A snap survey conducted in rural areas show that there is scarcity of sanitary wear in shops. Where you find them, they are too expensive or sold in forex with a packet of pads costing $100rtgs or more, or $1 United States dollar.

Taking contraceptives is one of the main aspects in planning a family, thus a main concern for every woman. They need to access different kinds of contraceptives that is condoms, family planning pills, morning after pills etc. Unfortunately in rural areas it has become a disaster considering that there is a shortage of clinics and hospitals in some parts. Many of them end up having unplanned pregnancies, some even illegally aborting because they do not have access to contraceptives. The Nation Aids Council once gave assurance on the delivery of such needs in rural households and all nearby clinics but some areas are very remote such that they can not be reached.

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