Compiled by Nyasha Dube

Most people are often faced with diagnosis and treatment barriers and delay because they lack awareness. Early diagnosis and treatment can save a life so everyday be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

-A painless lump near the nimple
-Sudden change in appearance of breast or nimple
-Discharge from the nimple
-Painful breasts
-Lumps in armpit
-Redness of skin on the breast or nimple

Let’s not forget, men have breasts too they can also be affected by breast cancer.

Breast Cancer risk factors

Your risk of getting breast cancer increases due to the following factors:
-If you are above 40 years of age.
-High alcohol consumption
-When you have a family history of breast cancer
-When you have no children or had your first child after turning 30years old
-Poor diet (when you eat a lot of animal fat and low fibre)
-When you started menstruation before 12 years or experienced menopause later than usual that is after 55 years of age
-Exposure to radiation especially during adolescence
-High stress levels
-Excessive use of hormone replacement
-When you have previously had cancer in one breast

As we have seen all of us can be at risk one way or the other. Let’s minimise the risk, prevention is better than cure.

Breast self examination
This is a method of screening where the woman herself looks at and feels her breasts to check for lumps, swelling or any unusual appearance. This method is mostly encouraged because most lumps are discovered by the women themselves. So it is important for you to know your breasts so that it’s easy to notice any changes. It also helps with early detection, which increases the chances of effective treatment.
According to experts, BSE is mostly effective when done about three to five days after one’s periods because that’s when the breasts are less likely to be swollen or tender. As we learnt yesterday, we may experience symptoms more or less similar to breast cancer towards our periods. Women who have already reached menopause can choose a particular day of the month to examine themselves. BSE should be done every month from the age of eighteen going onwards.

What to check out for during self examination
-Any painless lump or thickening
-Any unusual pain on the breast
-Unusual rush on nipple or breast
-Enlarged veins
-Discharge or blood on nipple
-Inverted nipple
-Changes in position of the nipple
-Swelling on the upper arm or in the armpit
-A lump in the armpit

How to do BSE
You can do it while standing in front of the mirror, in the shower or whilst lying down on bed
-Stand in front of the mirror, inspect your breasts to see any unusual discharge, scaling or pluckering of the skin
-While watching in the mirror, hold your hands behind your head and press your head against hands. This will help you notice changes in shape or size as muscles contract.
-Press your hands on the hips and bend towards the mirror and pull shoulders and elbows forward so as to notice any abnormalities
-When you are in the shower, make sure your hands are soapy then lift your arm with four fingers of your right hand. Move hand in small circles from outer edge of the breast towards the nipple. This will help you identify and lumps or abnormalities.

Tips on how to prevent breast cancer and other cancers

  1. Eating a healthy diet and maintaining physical fitness. Eat foods high in fibre ie whole grain, legumes, fruits, veges, poultry, fish. Avoid refined foods, foods with high fat, sugar and salts . Exercise regularly (5 times a week for more than 30 minutes)
  2. Reduce alcohol intake. Avoid tobacco, sniffing.
  3. Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals like pesticides.
  4. Manage your stress levels.
  5. Breast feed more. Breast feeding is a protective factor.
  6. Practice BSE for early detection

Remember breast cancer awareness goes beyond October. So let’s make it a habit to always research more on breast cancer, know your breasts very well and pay attention to any changes. And don’t hesitate to consult a doctor or health practitioners when you notice any signs and symptoms. Let’s take care of our breasts!!!

Source: Cancer Association of Zimbabwe
Get in touch: info@cancer.org.zw

#Breast cancer#Cancer Association of Zimbabwe
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