Disability discrimination hinders women’s civic and electoral participation

By Nyasha Dube and Priscilla Makondo

Women with disabilities in Zvishavane say they are lagging behind in terms of civic participation because of various barriers standing in their way.

For 42 year old Ednet Chingobo, who is visually impaired, standing up for her rights has become almost impossible.

As the country is geared towards the March 26 by-elections, women with disabilities continue to face intersectional challenges on top of the discrimination they face on a daily basis bases on their gender, when they try to participate in civic processes.

“I used to see but when my father passed away I started having chronic headaches because of depression until it started affecting my eyesight and now I am partially blind as I can not read or write. I do a few things relying on my memory,” she said.

Chingobo says she has faced a lot of discrimination in trying to have access to her rights as well as participate in civic and electoral processes.

“My advantage is that I used to live a normal life and had my sight so now no one can take advantage of me, but for other person’s with visual impairments it’s difficult. We just need to know our rights and have free access to education and information,” says Chingobo.

Chingobo says whilst government is making efforts to ensure that women with different impairments and persons with disabilities in general also participate in civic processes, there are a lot of gaps which need to be filled.

“If we are to talk about inclusion, responsible electoral authorities and government must produce voter material in braille because taking a confidant to assist me with voting is aviolation of my privacy. As it is most of persons with visual impairments have never come across braille and they do not know how to use it,” she said.

Section 22 of the constitution states that every institution at every level should recognize the rights of persons with disabilities and they must be treated with respect and dignity, and should be assisted to achieve their maximum potential and minimise the disadvantages they suffer.

Zvishavane District Elections Officer Rigressa Dube says according to the electoral law, the commission must provide adequate facilities to cater for persons with disabilities, however their turnout tends to be low.

“We do have braille and if there’s someone who needs it we can always provide but most cannot read it. For now the visually impaired can bring a confidant to assist them, but in the event that they don’t have one, they can be assisted by the presiding polling officer and two other witnesses to ensure transparency,” he said.

Dube added that ramps have also been put up at most polling stations to cater for wheelchair users, and there are small ballot boxes which allow them to vote whilst seated.

Zimbabwe is one of the first countries to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2013, however there are a few legislations which address the needs of persons with disabilities.

Last year President Emmerson Mnangagwa launched the country’s National Disability Policy which sought to address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities and promote inclusion of this group. The policy ensures provision of facilities like ramps and braille in all public spaces.

Women with disabilities have appealed to responsible authorities to ensure inclusion in reality not only on paper.

“Some institutions act like they want to include us but they just want to use us to get funding which we never benefit from. We should also be educated on our rights so that we stand up forourselves. Personally, I have taken it on myself to spread awareness wherever I go so that my peers get fair treatment,” said Chingobo.

Joice Sibanda, who uses crutches, says she faces a lot of challenges in reaching and accessing civic spaces, as such she ends up not exercising her voting rights.

“Most, if not all polling stations and public institutions are not user friendly for crutches and wheelchair users, and there are no interpreters and sign language experts to assist those who cannot hear or talk. I suggest that the responsible authorities review their hiring policies and ensure that we are represented at every institution by people who can relate to our needs,” said Sibanda.

The Zimbabwe Elections Support Network (ZESN) has been on record calling for all responsible stakeholders to create democratic and inclusive spaces for all special groups.
According to a ZESN February 2022 statement on Voter registration requirements and implications for inclusion in electoral processes, the needs of the visually impaired are the most left out, and cautioned ZEC to introduce braille readable papers and draft inclusive electoral reforms.

ZESN also encouraged persons with disabilities to self organise and definethe kind of support they need for inclusion in electoral processes.
Poor political representation of persons with disabilities is another challenge, and their quota system in Zimbabwe is very low. As of now there is one person with disability in senate, and no representative in national assembly, and this greatly affects the participation of women with disabilities in leadership positions.

Women rights organizations say there is need to accommodate and encourage women with disabilities to participate in civic processes because their voices also matter.

“For years, women with disabilities have made significant contributions towards policy development and this has notably demistified the myths associated with this group. We need to engage them more and allow them to design their own frameworks on how they would like to be included,” said Hands of Hope Trust director Millicent Nhutsve.

Nhutsve added that government must make a deliberate effort to monitor the inclusivity of all persons with disabilities at voter registration and polling centres, and also nominate them in certain leadership positions so they also coordinate conversations on disability inclusion rather than having able bodied people leading such conversations.

“Educational and vocational training centres which cater for persons with disabilities should also include civic education so that information is readily available and we’ll packaged for people with different impairments,” Nhutsve said.

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