Coping with mental health challenges during the pandemic and lockdown

By Nyasha Dube – The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has, with no doubt, taken a toll on most of us. Having to adjust to the new normal has been a nightmare, be it in workspaces, families or any other social spaces. The pandemic also has had a severe psychological impact especially on women.

Women, because of their gender role, have found themselves having more responsibilities than ever before during the stay at home lockdown order. Women are primary carers and having to look after their families 24/7 has increased their workload.

Career women have also been forced to work from home and at the same time ensure that their families are well taken care of.

Some women are also victims of Gender Based Violence and they have been stuck with their abusers. Most young women and girls also found themselves being subjected rape, forces marriages and unwanted pregnancies.

All this has a bearing on mental health of the affected women as they are the ones mostly associated with high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and many other mental disorders.

These problems are common, although they have been worsened by the pandemic and lockdown setup.

Here are some tips to cope with stress and all the traumas aligned with mental health disorders:

  1. Speak out
    When you experience abuse or violence do not keep it to yourself. It will only kill you on the inside, and the perpetrator will continue violating you. Share what you are going through with a close friend or family member, and above all report to the police or any other toll free number that may be of assistance.
  2. Reach out for help
    Everyone needs help time and again. Do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for help if you are overwhelmed or failing to cope. Ask your family to help you if you feel like you are drowning, do not suffer in silence.
  3. Take some time off
    It’s important to pause and breathe. Being at home the whole day can be overwhelming that’s why you need to go out once in a while. Surely, something as simple as a picnic in your own garden can do justice right? Take time to be alone and listen to your thoughts, but at the same time connect with others so you don’t become isolated.
  4. Be kind to yourself
    Do not beat yourself up too much when you miss a deadline, or when you finish making supper ten minutes later than your usual time. You are human and these things happen. Be kind to yourself, work at your own pace and don’t forget to be kind to others too.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
    Eat healthy, exercise, listen to your body and take care of yourself. Go fo therapy if you need it. Read a book. Listen to music. It’s good for your state of mind.

Remember you are special, you are a strong woman. You can beat anything, even the pandemic and lockdown have nothing on you. Stay safe, Mask up, Sanitize and Social distance.




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