Marange Women’s Alliance Celebrates Two Years of Mainstreaming Women’s Issues in Mining Communities

Women in mining communities across Zimbabwe and the world have in the past years have been affected by socio-economic and geopolitical factors which have hindered them from effectively participating and benefitting from the extractive sector. One of the most affected communities in Zimbabwe is Marange in Manicaland province, which ironically suffered a huge loss of resources and livelihoods after the discovery of diamonds in the 2000s.

Life was never the same for the communities as the “blood” diamonds brought a lot of disruptions, misery and suffering for the communities. To date, the diamonds have not been accounted for and the communities are still nursing the scars. In 2021, Marange Women’s Alliance was formed to counter the challenges faced by women in mining communities. We got up close and personal with Susan Muchena (SM), the vice chairperson of MWA, who shed more light on the work and impact the organization has made.  

ND: When was MWA established and what was the vision behind the organization

SM: Marange Women’s Alliance was launched on the 11th of September 2021 and the vision was amplifying women’s rights to fight against all gender injustices happening in the male dominated mining communities and empower women with their constitutional rights.

ND: Why did you target women, specifically from Marange. What challenges had you noted

SM: We targeted women in the Marange mining community because that is where diamonds have been mined since 2006 and women became the most affected group. The gender disparities as a result of the mining activities led to increased unpaid care work. Women have to walk long distance to fetch water and firewood, they carry the burden of looking after sick or injured family members because of poor health care provision. Most of the community Based Organizations around are male driven and most women issues were not being addressed fully. Even grants received by these organizations were serving the interest of men yet the key issues that came along with the discovery of diamonds mostly affected women and girls.

ND: It’s been two years since you started, how has the journey been like in terms of mobilizing and setting up a strong network of women

SM: Indeed it’s been only 2 years but it feels like a decade because of the challenges we faced. Firstly we applied for a deed of trust in 2021 December, only to get it early this year and being asked to pay other fees to attain the deed. Although we didn’t have the deed we managed to continue our activities. We had our fair share of problems like cancellation of the meetings, victimisation of the leadership and politicization of our meetings but we sailed through to be where we are today. Being in the civil society in Zimbabwe comes with being labelled enemies of the government thus it has made it difficult for us to coordinate our projects e.g obtaining memorandum of understanding with the stakeholders like the Provincial Administrator. This comes with the unattainable demand to a community based organization that operates with limited or no funds. On setting up the network we managed to work with likeminded organizations so that we share ideas and work hand in hand. We have worked with registered PVOs like WILSA. Another strength on networking was embracing digital technology and conducting weekly WhatsApp Tuesday Talks where we invite different stakeholders to discuss on different topics whilst empowering our fellow community members.

ND: What are some of your best moments or success stories as an organization?

SM: The road was not easy but we managed to empower women. We have managed to launch a documentary on sex trafficking and we have managed to help affected women by offering moral support and free counselling. For the past 2 years we have also managed to empower community women digitally by giving them monthly data allowances so they can participate fully on the Tuesday Talk whatsapp group discussions. Through the whatsapp discussions we have received referrals of victims of gender injustices and we are now working closely with the Bambazonke police station to fight gender inequality, gender based violence, child marriages and land issues. We have supported 5 women with financial support to proceed with their court cases, (three women arrested after demonstrating in 2021, 2022 a 16 year old raped by a neighbor and a woman being victimized on land issues by her son). We have also managed to supply food hampers to a woman who lost all her property after a dispute with a boyfriend and got her house burnt, as well as a mentally challenged young woman who was abused and impregnated .We supported her with the baby hamper and medical support as well.

ND: How do you envision MWA in the next two years

SM: In the next 2 year we want to acquire land for sustainable projects and safe shelters for abuse victims and provide counselling from our trained team. Our goal is to spread the word to everyone to know and respect the constitutional rights and raise awareness. Our other goals is to engage and create partnerships with all relevant stakeholders in advocating for gender sensitive budgets and policies and their implementation.

Members’ Testimonials

Hazvisi nyore kuwana munhu anokudzidzisa pafoni achikupa airtime yacho yekuti udzidze nayo. Semugari wemuward 30 handisaitozivaba kuti zvatirikugara kuno kwa Chiadzwa kuchiitwa chigweja kunezvinototikangasiwo semadzimai nevana eg early marriages, unwantend pregnancy, school drop outs, divorces kubudikidza nezvinoitika muno mu diamond field medu, uyezve handisaitoziva kuti diamond iri hupfumi hwedu isu mabocha tinofanirwa kubenifita naro pama developments edu semabocha eg roads constructions,renovation of our clinics and schools , I learnt to work hard as a woman (Induvidually) without depending on someone. I also learnt that women’s rights are human rights, right now I know my rights even mimwe mitemo semunhukadzi ndavekutoizivawo through this programme.

Millicent Dube

Violet Mutambara is my name and l am a MWA member ndoda kukutendai hutungamiri hwese neMWA nebasa guru ramurikuita ndinoda kupupura pamusoro zvakanaka zvandaona kubva kuOrganisation yenyu mukati memhuri yangu,ndirikuona shanduko zvakanyanya especially neTopic yeGBV aaaa ndirikunzwa kufara mwana wangu aigaroonetsana nemkadzi wake mumba but nekuda kwekudzidza kwandakaita ini semubereki maringe neGBV ndaigaroovatumira ma messages ezvatinenge tadzidza each and everytime wese as a couple haaaa ndinoda kutenda ndakaona shanduko mukati memba yawo until now they are living a peaceful life through MWA so many thanks to you sister Susan and your team continue to empower us tinokutsigirai zvakanyanya hatichambunyikidzwiwo taakuziwa kodzero dzedu semadzimai keep the fire burning thank u so much and your team munebasa guru rekutsvaga kuti semadzimai titariswewo sevanhu 

Violet Mutambara

I would like to thank the great work that Marange Women’s Alliance is doing for women around our community. This group became a life saver when I had no one to stand with me .My first born girl is a girl with disabilities and mentally challenged thus she ran away from home and started to live at Mashuka shuka business center where she was sexually abused by different men because of their ill cultural beliefs that if you sleep with a mentally challenged woman you get money and good luck. She then became a victim of sexual abuse till she got pregnant yet .I being a single mother I had no hope I had given up on her but MWA came as a rescue in 2022 helped us with baby hamper with all the necessities and financial assistance at the hospital as she was supposed to have a c section because of her condition. After that they assisted with knowledge on how to seek justice for my child and I can gladly say they are here for women empowerment. We hope and pray that they grow to be a big organisation so that they can help women across the country .They indeed helped me to have hope on my child I had neglected her but through them I managed to see unique qualities in her and she gave me another handsome baby boy

Marvelous Mapuka, Chiadzwa

Ini zvangu i appreciate kunaka kwakaita MWA because tinowana zvidzidzo chipiri chega chega pasina muripo uyezve ndakadzidza nezvesex trafficking ndikaona kuti zveshuwa kunogona kuine wanasikana warikuitiswa zvebonde wasina tarisiro nazvo then ndakadzidza zveMaputo protocol ndandisina ruziwo nazvo and then ndakadzidza kuti mukadzi haufaniri kuzvidzikisira uye unotokwanisawo kupinda muzvigaro zvepamusorosoro zvakare i will be happy kuwamember ye MWa kuward kwedu ndini ndega member sekuti ndakasanganawo nemamembers eMwa anga aine matshirts ndikatobvunza ndikafarirawo kuwa member so in short MWA inondidzidzisa zvakawanda zvandaisaziwa uye kutosanganawo nemamwe maorganisations through Mwa and then am now doing a small project kubudikidza nekurudziro from Mwa life ikutoendeka vana ndakutokwanisa kubhadharira fees nenguwa kuisa chikafu patable nenguwa. Ndogara kuvillage kwaMatya kuno kubocha kwaMarange kubuwerimwe ward 23

Shylet Magwindime

Since I joined MWA, am now a changed person, I have learnt, as a woman that I can stand for my rights, I am able to represent myself anywhere, am now an equipped woman, I am able to withstand any form of abuse, no more stress, Am also able to build up my family and I think as we go my children will be knowledgeable, I can also help my community, I have already some youths, woman n man whom I have shared ideas with due to Educative Discussions from MWA, I thank the Leaders and whoever made this group viable and the partners who also influence the upgoing of this group, Lastly I thank MWA for the Airtime which makes the discussion accessible, I Salute You

Pheobe Chibi

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