Womandla Foundation Spearheads SAFE Movement

By Tatenda Zvingwaru

In a groundbreaking move, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Zvishavane district have joined forces to launch the SAFE Movement, a pioneering platform dedicated to providing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to young people. The initiative is led by Womandla Foundation.

This innovative approach marks a significant departure from the traditional repetitive projects that have characterized the district’s development landscape.

For years, CSOs have been implementing similar projects in the same areas, often duplicating efforts and yielding limited impact.

However, the SAFE Movement, powered by Amplify Change, signals a new era of collaboration and effectiveness. By pooling resources and expertise, Zvishavane CSOs will now deliver CSE to young people in a more comprehensive and sustainable manner.

“The safe movement is a platform for educating young people with regrades to comprehensive sexuality education,” said Sarudzai Mufandarambwa, the project lead for the SAFE Movement.

“Now we are doing a collaborative approach whereby CSOs working with CSE making sure they deliver CSEs to young people correctly,” she emphasized.

The SAFE Movement’s emphasis on CSE is particularly significant, as it addresses a critical gap in the district’s youth empowerment initiatives. By providing young people with accurate and age-appropriate information, the movement aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being.

As the SAFE Movement gains momentum, Zvishavane district is poised to become a model for effective collaboration and youth empowerment in Zimbabwe. With its innovative approach and commitment to CSE, the movement is set to revolutionize the way CSOs work together to drive positive change.

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