Money Saving Tip During Lockdown

BY NYASHA DUBE- We all have to admit that the coronavirus outbreak and lockdown caught us off the guard. Most of us had no savings at all, especially those employed in the informal sector and have to survive on hand-to-mouth. Even for those employed in the formal sector, the lockdown came with paycuts, job loses, business having to shut down, among others. But above all we have to learn to co-exist with the virus, accept that this is the new normal and find ways to navigate through your financial challenges.

Here’s how you can save during this lockdown, which has become indefinite in countries like Zimbabwe.

  1. Embrace online shopping

One of the positive, yeah positive, effects of this lockdown is that it has pushed many people to anticipate the power of technology in making lives easier. Most people who were resisting technology have found themselves with no choice but to embrace it. Instead of driving around or having to spend money on transport, rather order your essential goods online and have them delivered on your doorstep.

  1. Minimise expenses, shop for essentials only

This is the time to get out of your comfort zone a little, and spend on the most important things. No one knows when this virus will end and most of us are fast running out of savings. Break that overspending habit, stick to what’s important just until the lockdown comes to an end.

  1. Make your own products

DIY (Do It Yourself) has become the in thing during this lockdown. Why spend on something that you can make for yourself. Be it food, clothing, hair, makeup or any other essentials. This is the right time to embrace homemade products. It is also a time to learn new things. Spend more time watching YouTube tutorials. That will be good for your pocket. Thank me later!!!

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