BY MAGRETH RUZVIDZO- The concept of self-reliance was brought to the general public by Ralph Waldo Emmerson through his essay, Self Reliance, in 1841. However, there is no single statement that can fully define all aspects of self-reliance. But in this article I will define self-reliance as relying on your own power and resources rather than depending on others. Considering the shrinking of the economy, self-reliance has become one of the concept in which people are utilising to make a living. This include venturing into various businesses such as freelance writing, home bakery and selling flowers among others. I am going to focus on a few tips that might help you to start your own business and make it in life.

The first and most important thing on self-reliance is to believe in yourself. Just tell yourself that your idea is the best and unique worldwide. That way you won’t have doubts on what you want to do. Once you start believing in yourself, energy is boosted and your mind becomes focused. Be also responsible of everything that comes along your way be it failures or success.

Venture into something that you are interested in or have passion with. Don’t do things for the sake of it. There are so many people who run out of ideas at a premature stage and in most cases it is because they are doing things that do not run in their veins. When you are passionate about something, fresh ideas pop in every minute and you have that enthusiasm to make it happen.

Do market research. If I want to start poultry project today, I should have an idea on my market. This helps me to know where to go and sell my chicken when they are fully grown. It is important to know your area and assess your community and make your product a need. Exploit the situation and make your products excel. You can see that some people prefer a certain funeral policy over the other not because they serve a different purpose but what matters is how they conduct their services. So likewise, do your research well and make your business appeal to the people.

Be hardworking. Self-reliance need someone who is hardworking and always thinking outside the box.  You can’t start something when you don’t have energy to do it. Be on the lead since you will be the one with an idea on what you want to achieve. Be on the forefront so that even those who want to help you can keep up with your pace. A dream does not become real by magic; it takes your time, thinking and hard work!

Be focused/Visionary and remain positive. At initial stages, the future may look gloomy but always have hope that your ship will finally make it to its final destiny. I once read a short book called Who moved my Cheese and I learnt that in life don’t be afraid of change and obstacles should not be your setbacks. They must give you strength to move forward. Keep coming with new and fresh ideas everyday on how to improve your business and make it appeal to a wider audience. Don’t lose hope and do not be discouraged by people.

Be knowledgeable. I don’t underestimate the statement “Knowledge is power.” What can you do in life if you don’t have knowledge? Absolutely nothing! So to make your business grow, just be a wide reader so that you can merge your ideas with those of others. Know what can affect your business by merely following current affairs and other news platforms. Internet has proved to be a better way of improving your knowledge since you can find most of the information you need. Build your self-efficacy.

Think independently. There is danger in not believing yourself and always wanting to do things according to other people’s perspectives. Over trusting other people’s thoughts simply means that you cannot make your own decisions in life. And with that mentality you won’t grow but remain at the same position. You remain caged, wondering how other people are making it in life and longing to achieve something in life. When you think of a business idea, go for it and your evaluations will tell your next step. Don’t be afraid to make a move-you might be moving on your way to success.

At the end of the day, keep in mind that self-reliance leads to happiness and self-content. So, don’t hesitate to start your business, make a move! It’s never too late!

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