Woman Crush of the Week – Mantate Mlotshwa

  1. Who is Mantate?- Born and raised in the streets of Nkulumane, Bulawayo, Mantate Mlotshwa is a young Zimbabwean woman growing into the ghetto dream of a better Zimbabwe and an Africa that honors its women and youth. Her vision is to see more youth and women in spaces of leadership.
  2. How old are you- 25
  3. Where you grew up- Bulawayo
  4. What is your biggest inspiration/motivation- I am inspired by the idea of a better Zimbabwe. A better Africa. It keeps me believing and working towards it.
  5. At what age did u realise your ambition to be a public speaker?- I’ve always been talkative lol. I grew up in a space where I was allowed to voice my opinion from a very young age. The first place I learnt to speak in front of people was in church during Sunday School Sundays where I had the opportunity to preach or teach a sermon. From primary school.
  6. What drives you to continue your journey every day as an upcoming leader?-I see pain and struggle everyday and I tell myself that I need to play a role in changing that. That’s what keeps me pushing.
  7. I have a voice, I am a writer, I have a network that can amplify people’s realities. That in its own right gives me the challenge to use my gift to speak for those who may not have the means and space to speak. It’s not courage, it’s understanding that someone depends on my choice to either speak or be silent. I choose to speak, always.
  8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years to come?- I want to be doing my PHD by then, if not done with it. I’m currently Project Lead for a 5 year project that Magamba Network is implementing in partnership with Accountability Lab. The project is called Arts4Change and uses music and film, satire and comedy to drive conversations on accountability, governance and citizen participation. My next 5 years are dedicated to giving artist the space and support to create content that will challenge democratic governance. Within the 5 years I want to have expanded my #LeadGirls2School project to support 100+ rural girls every year with education support. I need to have expanded my poultry business and tapped into new waters. There’s a whole lot more projects I have lined up, and they all will define who and what I am in 5 years.
  9. What do u have to say to young women who are scared to follow their dreams?- Look around you and see how many women have made it out of the same place you are in. And even if they aren’t there, you don’t need someone to have lived your dream to validate it. Our fear what we cannot be should be redirected into the energy and effort it takes to become it. I think we waste time explaining why we can’t, and never really stop to think that we actually can.
  10. On a lighter note, who is your favorite artist?- Taraj P Henson has the kind of spirit that convinces me everyday that I am enough, I am beyond my limitations and I can redefine the track. I have a huge crush on Claire Mawisa. From her gorgeous dreadlocks to the diversity of her talents and personality. I see her everyday and tell myself that I want to live a life as full.
  11. What is your favourite meal?- Sadza and ulusu/ tripe
  12. What do you like doing during our spare time?- I love blogging, travel and fashion shows.
  13. If you had super power what would it be?-The ability to heal broken hearts
  14. Who Is your role model?- Ugogo. She inspires me everyday to be everything I want to be, for her.
  15. What has been the scariest moment in your life?- February 11, 2020 when a car drove right into me. Getting out without anything more than a scratch told me that God wasn’t done with me. That fear in that moment taught that life is unpredictable and that I need to live it with purpose.

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