“It’s Time!”:A message for 16 Days of Activism Against GBV

By Tafadzwa B Mutsigwa

It’s all in how we frame madness into theories that justify more madness, when white heads, bald head and muscular youth all clap and nod when a justification is given for rape,when a justification is given for another brutal murder of the girl child.

These days logic has taken to justify and question the questions that are based in ignorance and hollow facts. We are a generation that has made popularity a measure of substance, a generation that has been made empty of real initiative,the generation of tiktokers ,twerking and body shaming each other, it’s mjolo all around, violent clashes, brutal murders justified because of coins spent in pursuit of love and joy.

And by God and logic we are plunging into the void, into confusion and societal turmoils. In this crisis of morality, in these days where poverty teaches and beer halls award degrees, it is this time more than ever that society needs to stand as one.

The anatomy of change is not some complex model or PhD Thesis. No, change is the hand of one man that raises to love, the word of a woman whose No means No.

It’s time for a singular voice that does away with toxic masculinity and toxic feminism. It’s time for morality to dawn, time for all to speak with a voice that shuns abuse, that takes a proactive approach at Gender Bases Violence ,that realises each sanitary wear donated is a step against domestic violence, it’s a gesture that says she is smart and worth it ,she deserves better and can walk away from toxic relationships.

It’s time for a conclusive preventative approach, a moment when all humanity unmasks the framework of abuse, it’s forms and shape and indeed breeding ground ,to cut this snake from the head.

Development is the key, self sufficiency for every woman, every daughter and aunt. Yes it’s no muscles but it’s the anatomy of change, self sufficiency is self respect, it’s less ground for culturing abusive tendencies and it’s freedom of thought and financial independence, Development,Human Resource Capital Development of the girl child and indeed aligning these with Mugota initiatives is key if we are to foster a Zero Tolerance for GBV .

“Life is like a shadow, one minute it’s here and the other minute it’s gone. Protect the Girl Child”

Tafadzwa is a young man aged 23 from Domboshava, with passion in Youth Leadership Development, Health Issues and youth participation in governance and electoral processes. He is a trained peer educator and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Responsibilities (SRHR) Champion. He has served National AIDS Council (NAC) as an Adolescents Boys Mentor on a brother to brother program, He meaningfully participated at the 2019 International Day of the Girl Child planning in partnership with AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Ministry of Youth and Junior Parliament, He was selected to be part of 2019 Youth Leadership Development Training Course under Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust(YETT) to enhance his skills working with young people. He presented CWGH at the 2019 world AIDS Day and is the mobilizer of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV) under Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe in partnership with Ministry of Women Affairs. He is part of the European Union Delagation – Youth sounding board Zimbabwe, as a Good Governance and Citizens rights committee member.

Tafadzwa B Mutsigwa

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